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San Francisco takes a step toward sanity in recalling its anti-police prosecutor
Liberal policies on “defunding the police” and “ending the prison pipeline” via “decarceration” may sound good to liberal voters in wealthy suburbs that don’t suffer from serious crime, but in major urban areas all over America — including a key center for America’s liberalism, San Francisco — liberal voters who elected liberal prosecutors are finding out the hard way why not only red states but also deep blue cities need prosecutors and police.
Voters this week in San Francisco went to the polls and recalled San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin by a margin of nearly 20 percentage points, with 59.5 percent of voters wanting him out. The initiative to Recall DA Chesa Boudin: Vote YES on H sounds like something that might be happening in Texas or some other conservative state.
It’s not.
Quoting National Review:
“In December, San Francisco’s Democratic mayor London Breed called for more ‘aggressive’ policing in the city, noting the brazen smash-and-grab robberies that made headlines last winter as well as the vehicle break-ins and regular drug dealing in the city’s Tenderloin district. ‘It’s time the reign of criminals who are destroying our city, it is time for it to come to an end,’ Breed said at a press conference. ‘And it…