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Between crime and COVID, cities may no longer represent America’s future
Predictions that “rural America is on the rebound” have been just as common in Republican circles as Democratic confidence that big cities are the future of America. The cloudiness of both parties’ crystal balls should be a caution on the hazards of predicting America’s political future.
However, a recent article from The Atlantic, usually regarded as a moderately liberal publication reflecting the views of America’s educated liberal elites, gives a harsh warning to liberals that they’re writing off rural America far too soon. Entitled “How Florida Beat New York; People are leaving superstar blue cities and moving to red states,” the article gives a perspective many liberals in America’s cities need to read.
Here’s the link: How Florida Beat New York — The Atlantic
Some key quotes: “In a 2018 speech, Hillary Clinton claimed a partial victory in the presidential election she’d lost: ‘I won the places that are optimistic, diverse, dynamic, moving forward. And [Donald J. Trump’s] whole campaign, “Make America Great Again,” was looking backwards.’ Clinton was echoing a sentiment felt by many on the left, that Democratic-leaning states represent the future and Republican ones the last gasps of a dying empire…. But Clinton’s remarks ignored trends indicating a coming reversal…